Discover the inspiring story of Abigail Redding, a resilient teenager who was diagnosed with fistulizing Crohn’s disease at just 16 years old. In this episode, Abbie, who is now 17, shares her journey with IBD, shedding light on the various...
For 27 years and counting, Alia Abutalib has been battling IBD. Most recently, she underwent a full proctocolectomy and now lives with a permanent ileostomy (#BarbieButt). Alia speaks openly about her disease, surgery, and having to navigate a lot...
Gastroenterologist at Mount Sinai Hospital and University Health Network, Dr. Mark Silverberg, discusses the importance of multi-disciplinary care in IBD. How important it is that we begin treating #IBDWarriors with a more holistic approach. This is...
Rasheed Clarke, Marketing & Communication Specialist at Crohn’s & Colitis Canada, joins Chantel and Lisa for a special Crohn’s & Colitis Awareness Month episode. They discuss key findings from the newly released “2018 Impact of IBD in...